Southeast Asia Council

Southeast Asia Council

Welcome to the Council for Southeast Asia at ASU

The Southeast Asia Council at Arizona State University brings together faculty, graduate students and associates who all share an academic interest in the region (including Brunei, Burma (Myanmar), Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor Leste, and Vietnam).

We represent a broad range of disciplines, with faculty in Anthropology, Business, Communication, English, Global Studies, History, Justice and Social Inquiry, Music, Political Science, and Religious Studies, and we teach three Southeast Asian languages (Indonesian, Thai, and Vietnamese). Aside from their research, these faculty members also mentor and teach graduate and undergraduate students from a variety of disciplines, and offer a degree in Asian Studies as well as certificate programs.

The Council organizes events at ASU, including film showings and lecture series. Southeast Asian studies has a long and storied history at ASU, and the Southeast Asia Council continues to promote research, teaching and work on Southeast Asia for all who are interested.

For further information, please go to the Council’s website, email, or call the Center at 480-727-3766.

Southeast Asia Council members