Agnes Smedley Collections (China)

Agnes Smedley Collections (China)

The Agnes Smedley Collection (Post-War China)

Agnes Smedley was an American journalist best known for her work documenting and publicizing the Japanese incursions in China in the late 1930’s. Ms. Smedley was also very active in relief efforts and procurement of medical supplies for affected Chinese citizens. The Agnes Smedley Collection is available for research at the Luhrs Reading Room. A related photograph collection, the papers of her biographer Dr. Stephen MacKinnon, and an exhibit of photos from the collection are also available. Collections of several other American journalists active in China during this period are also available including those of A. T. SteeleFrancis McCracken FisherJack Belden and Frank Smothers.

Description by Robert Spindler, Special Collections, ASU Libraries.