Welcome to the Council for Southeast Asia at ASU

The Southeast Asia Council at Arizona State University brings together faculty, graduate students and associates who all share an academic interest in the region (including Brunei, Burma (Myanmar), Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor Leste, and Vietnam).

Council for South Asian Studies

With particular focus on the countries of India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka, the South Asia Council brings together faculty, graduate students, and associates from across the University. The faculty represent a rich diversity of disciplinary interests including Religious Studies, History, Anthropology, Ethnomusicology, Film Studies, Economics, Communications, Design, Business, Language Studies, Sustainability, and Community Resources and Development.

Council for Northeast Asian Studies

The Council for Northeast Asian Studies comprises faculty, graduate students and associates who teach courses or conduct research on Japan or Korea, as well as those who engage in pan-regional and cross-boundary research on Northeast Asia. Areas of interest include language, linguistics, literature, history, art history, thoughts, religion, technology, film, geography, conservation, political science, public administration, copyright law, and print culture.

The Center for Asian Research maintains its own library of Asian videos (including many feature films), available for free checkout by all students and faculty.

Students may check out videos for up to five days, by leaving a valid student ID card or a $20 deposit.

Recent acquisitions by the ASU Library system:

Arizona State University houses a number of research collections of Asian cultural artifacts, objects of art and library library materials. The Anthropology Museum houses collections of cultural artifacts and textiles from Southeast Asia donated by Jane Hanks, Joel Halpern, Betty Grenig and William Sage.

The Henry Luce Foundation is currently funding phase II of the Theravada Civilizations project, which brings together leading scholars of Southeast Asian studies, history, anthropology and religious studies. The group has held an annual meeting in conjunction with the Association of Asian Studies annual meeting as well as an annual conference since 2015. The group is also producing three edited volumes dedicated to the study of Theravada Buddhism.

About the project

Asia Mediated is a transdisciplinary project that investigates the multiple ways that new digital media is restructuring different aspects of society and ultimately shaping the way in which knowledge is constructed and produced. This reshaping of knowledge production is significantly transforming our world, and more than half the users of the internet and social media sites such as Facebook are in Asia. The project specifically studies those new media technologies operating in Asia and uses them to disseminate knowledge about the use of these technologies.